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Wakanda Freelancers

Need Wakanda experts to help with developing and managing your Web and Mobile Apps?  Hire Experfy freelance Wakanda experts capable of developing, building, deploying and managing your apps for The Web, desktop, and Mobile with Wakanda, the full-stack JavaScript Platform. They can create the data model for your prototype and app, define access to your prototype and app by creating your app's users and groups, and design your app's prototype by creating pages. Further, with Wakanda, our experts can code your web and mobile app's logic in JavaScript, debug your code both client-side and server-side and write all the HTML and CSS code for your web and mobile apps. In addition, they can access and manage the data in your web app and prototype,  and use the APIs to create reactive and responsive web apps with AngularJS and much more.

Hire Experfy vetted freelance Wakanda experts capable of creating a Wakanda solution and its project(s), data model and permissions for your app,  a prototype of your application, and mobile and desktop app for deployment.

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The top 3% of freelance Wakanda Freelancers developers
Experfy in the press
Harvard-Backed Experfy wants to create a McKinsey in the cloud for Big Data talent.
Experfy works by putting would-be freelancers through a rigorous screening process to qualify as a data expert on its platform.
Experfy makes available MIT professors and former Google employees...

Don't Just Take Our Word For It

"Today's hottest companies are all data-driven. The Experfy team has developed an ecosystem that allows business and highly qualified data scientists to connect and develop powerful algorithms that can deliver 10x or 100x performance and growth. Watch this company closely."

Peter Diamandis

Chairman & CEO, XPRIZE, Forbes 50 World Leader List