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Groovy Freelancers

Need Groovy experts help? Hire Experfy freelance Groovy experts capable of harnessing Groovy for your web development, reactive applications, test frameworks, build tools, code analysis, and GUI building. They can leverage closures, builders, runtime and compile-time meta-programming, functional programming, type inference, and static compilation which are the powerful features of Groovy. They have expert experience in developing large web applications using the latest frameworks and designing for scale with Groovy. Our Groovy experts can manipulate many types of heterogeneous data assets with a uniform and concise syntax and programming methodology with the features of Groovy that provides native support for various markup languages such as XML and HTML. They can coordinate with your cross-project teams on business and unit functional requirements and derive integration and non-functional test requirements, do research and improve quality testing productivity and effectiveness.

Hire Experfy vetted freelance Groovy experts capable of developing Web applications on Grails Framework using Groovy.

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The top 3% of freelance Groovy Freelancers developers
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Harvard-Backed Experfy wants to create a McKinsey in the cloud for Big Data talent.
Experfy works by putting would-be freelancers through a rigorous screening process to qualify as a data expert on its platform.
Experfy makes available MIT professors and former Google employees...

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Peter Diamandis

Chairman & CEO, XPRIZE, Forbes 50 World Leader List