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OpenStreetMap Freelancers

Need to get OpenStreetMap expert help for creating and sharing map information? Hire Experfy freelance OpenStreetMap experts with in-depth experience with OpenStreetMap (OSM) and commercial map data content. They can build complex data processing pipelines using continuous integration tools such as Jenkins, deploy OpenStreetMap stack automatically using VM, and add and modify OpenStreetMap data with its editors like iD, Potlatch 2 and JOSM. After collecting map data using a GPS unit, our OpenStreetMap experts can enter it into the database by uploading it onto your project's website, and can edit using one of the several purpose-built map editors like JOSM. They know ins and outs of OpenStreetMap's style of storing & modifying geodata that helps you get things work.

Hire Experfy vetted freelance OpenStreetMap experts capable of performing detailed spatial analysis, evaluation and quality control on a variety of map data content, and help define the processes, and build the systems to get the job done.

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The top 3% of freelance OpenStreetMap Freelancers developers
Experfy in the press
Harvard-Backed Experfy wants to create a McKinsey in the cloud for Big Data talent.
Experfy works by putting would-be freelancers through a rigorous screening process to qualify as a data expert on its platform.
Experfy makes available MIT professors and former Google employees...

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"Today's hottest companies are all data-driven. The Experfy team has developed an ecosystem that allows business and highly qualified data scientists to connect and develop powerful algorithms that can deliver 10x or 100x performance and growth. Watch this company closely."

Peter Diamandis

Chairman & CEO, XPRIZE, Forbes 50 World Leader List