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Metalogix Archive Manager Freelancers

Need Metalogix Archive Manager experts help to automatically archive, manage and secure all your Organization’s email? Hire Experfy freelance Metalogix Archive Manager experts capable of leveraging Archive Manager that delivers critical, proven email archiving capabilities that are both robust and affordable whether for compliance or as part of the corporate knowledge base. Our Metalogix Archive Manager experts can help you keep your Emails available at all times in an accessible archive, freeing email servers for real-time communications. With Metalogix Archive Manager, they can also ensure high availability of your mission-critical email data, even during downtimes or system failure, with continuous off-site replication for instant retrieval. Further, they can preserve and deliver content upon request, whether for your audits, lawsuits, or human resource issues. They can also manage Archive Manager to allow you to produce emails on demand with rapid email search and discovery features by placing selected groups of data in the legal hold to enable conduct granular searches by name, date range, attachments, and more.

Hire Experfy vetted freelance Metalogix Archive Manager experts capable of helping you with Email archiving that enables you to meet the demands of discoverability and search-ability.

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The top 3% of freelance Metalogix Archive Manager Freelancers developers

Mirza B

Founder and CTO at MiaVision

BA | Tuzla, BIH

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