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Convnet.js Freelancers

Need Convnet.js experts to help with a Javascript library for training Neural Networks entirely in your browser? Hire Experfy freelance Convnet.js experts capable of formulating and solving Neural Networks (Deep Learning models) in Javascript. These include common Neural Network modules, classification (SVM/Softmax) and Regression (L2) cost functions, specify and train  Convolutional Networks that process images, and an experimental  Reinforcement Learning module, based on Deep Q Learning. They can use the library inside the browser, or on a server using node.js. Our Convnet.js experts can initialize everything including their network, and in Neural Net Classification, create a layered neural network binary classifier of distinct classes with ConvNetJS layers that are based on Vol class representing a 3-dimensional volume of numbers. They are capable of using a built in Trainer class that provides a whole bunch of optional parameters.

Hire Experfy vetted freelance Convnet.js experts capable of training on an actual dataset with looping through all points at random and repeatedly backpropagating their true class through the network that gradually adjusts its weights to make predictions more likely.

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