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Redis Freelancers

Need Redis experts to help with the database, cache and message broker provided by Redis, an open source, in-memory data structure store? Hire Experfy freelance Redis experts that can configure Redis, set up master-slave replication. They know their options when configuring Redis durability. They can encrypt Redis client-server communication, and tune Redis instances for low latency workloads with Redis integrated latency monitoring and reporting capabilities. Further, they can design drafts of new proposals, communicate with Redis at a low level, and implement Redis under the hood, and master the Redis command line interface in order to administer. Our Redis experts can also leverage Redis administration, Redis security, signals handling, connections handling, Redis Cluster, Redis data types, and other distributed systems based on Redis. In addition, they can dump the dataset to disk, or append each command to a log.

Hire Experfy vetted freelance Redis experts capable of using Redis from most programming languages and troubleshot and experiment with Redis.

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The top 3% of freelance Redis Freelancers developers
Experfy in the press
Harvard-Backed Experfy wants to create a McKinsey in the cloud for Big Data talent.
Experfy works by putting would-be freelancers through a rigorous screening process to qualify as a data expert on its platform.
Experfy makes available MIT professors and former Google employees...

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"Today's hottest companies are all data-driven. The Experfy team has developed an ecosystem that allows business and highly qualified data scientists to connect and develop powerful algorithms that can deliver 10x or 100x performance and growth. Watch this company closely."

Peter Diamandis

Chairman & CEO, XPRIZE, Forbes 50 World Leader List