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RabbitMQ Freelancers

Need to get RabbitMQ expert help? Find the best freelance RabbitMQ experts on Experfy to enable your enterprise to use RabbitMQ to give your applications a common platform to send and receive messages, and keep your messages safely to live until received. Besides installing and configuring, our RabbitMQ Freelancers can leverage a variety of RabbitMQ features to your enablement to  trade off the performance with reliability, including persistence, delivery acknowledgments, publisher confirms, and high availability. They can bind exchanges together with RabbitMQ’s several built-in exchange types for typical routing logic or even write your needed exchange type as a plugin. In addition, they can monitor and control every aspect of this message broker with an easy-to-use RabbitMQ management UI, and trace support to find out the goings on with the messaging system. They can also write your own plugins, in addition to the availability of a variety of RabbitMQ plugins.

Get your projects built by Experfy vetted RabbitMQ freelancers.

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Harvard-Backed Experfy wants to create a McKinsey in the cloud for Big Data talent.
Experfy works by putting would-be freelancers through a rigorous screening process to qualify as a data expert on its platform.
Experfy makes available MIT professors and former Google employees...

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Chairman & CEO, XPRIZE, Forbes 50 World Leader List